The Loomis DNA project is an exciting new tool in the search for ones family history and the field of genealogy. The cost of doing the tests has come down to a reasonable level, although still more than most family members might wish to spend. It really comes down to just how much interest a person has in his families history and the family at large. The prices shown are current, however, joining the Loomis Project may provide a discount. To understand the costs, I will need to explain the test.
Because of the nature of DNA, the test for heredity comes down through the male on the “Y” chromosome. There are tests that can be done on female DNA but this does not help in tracing the male surname. A female who is born of a male Loomis may wish to participate by funding the test for a close Loomis male relative, i e, an uncle, brother, father.
Participating in the DNA project requires a DNA sample which is obtained from the male participant after he has ordered the test and receives a test sampling kit. The kit contains two vials of soapy liquid and two hard cotton swabs, all sealed against contamination and a release form. To take the sample, you tear open the sealed cotton swab and vigorously scrap the inside of one cheek and then place the swab in one of the vials and tightly seal it. You then wait 8 hours and repeat this procedure with the second set in the test kit. This insures a backup should there be any problem with one of the samples.
The samples are then returned to FamilyTreeDNA for testing and posting the results. The results are kept anonymous and only a number is published on the web with the test results. As administrator for the project, I have access to the true identities of the test results.
The test can be performed at one of three levels, known as “markers”. They are 37 marker, 111 marker, and 700 marker. This refers to how many points on the “Y” chromosome DNA is tested for. The 37 marker test is the least informative as it only examines 37 points. A 37 marker test confirms or denies you are a Loomis but little else. Whereas, a 700 marker test can identify you to within five generations of a Loomis relative. The following paragraph explains more about why a 700 marker test can be this precise.
These markers on the “Y” chromosome have been specifically chosen out of literally trillions within the DNA strand since they pertain only to heredity and have shown to be stable over many generations. Though stable, there is a predicted mutation of one of these markers in where the markers mutate slightly. These mutations occur once in approximately 50 generations. That may seem a small chance for significant change, however, when one considers that when this mutation equation is applied to the Loomis genealogy, which showed 3,500 male descendants who married as of 1908, a potential 70 mutations can have occurred. And, since 1908, we can conservatively assume to double that number for males who have been born and married since 1900 which brings us to a potential of at least 140 mutations.
So what does all that mean? What mutations do for us is provide a means to identify distinct family lines. To be specific, Joseph Loomis, the patriarch of the Loomis family in America, had five sons. Assuming that within each line of each son, a mutation occurred within the first couple generations, we should be able to determine from the “Y” test from which son a living male is descended. Now, most of us already know this information from the Loomis book. However, there are discrepancies within the family book as it was researched and published. Some are noted and some are not. A test may reveal such a discrepancy and help to establish the correct family line. To do this though, will require two things. One, a large sampling of Loomis males and that these samples be from each of the five sons. Two, that the tests be of the 700 marker type.
One final note regarding the results from a large sampling of Loomis males, is that we will be able to ascertain the “Y” DNA for Joseph Loomis. This will be important should other groups with similar surnames decide to set up DNA projects. We can confirm, or deny, if a Lomas or a Lummus male is related to our ancestor. Many in England who are named Lomas, do not believe there is a relationship, but up till now, there has been no way to prove or disprove this. We now have the tool to do this.
Group Testing Rates
37 marker test - $119 |
111 marker test - $249 |
700 marker test - $449 |
A low pixel=marker count has little detail |
A medium pixel=marker count more detail |
A high pixel=marker count great detail |
NOTE: Though we encourage you to request the 700 marker test, if you find the cost beyond your means, please request the test you are able to fund. Your DNA sample will be stored with Family Tree DNA and can be retested at a later date at a higher marker level when funding is available to do so.
To receive the group rate, you will need to sign up through the Loomis DNA Project. Please contact Howard Loomis, Administrator for the Loomis Project
Our email address is:
A note about privacy and the scope of the test. The results of the test will be mailed directly to you. The information will also be part of the Loomis Surname Project, which can only be accessed by the Surname Administrator. As part of the FamilyTreeDNA service, if you have requested it, they will contact you when a close relative is matched exactly to your test. It is up to you and the other person to make contact. The scope of the test focuses only on the "Y" chromosome, it is NOT a full DNA test. You can't determine paternity from this test, you can't find any physical or medically related data in this test. It simply provides information pertaining to the surname you are descended from. One test is generally useless, unless it is compared to another. The more tests performed within a Surname group, the more accurate the determination of lineage.
Howard Loomis, Project Administrator
© 2020 Loomis Families of America